
Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy in Grapevine Texas

Sound Healing with Solfeggio Frequencies

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"The gentle vibrations and soothing sounds of vibroacoustic therapy create a harmonious environment that can help alleviate muscle tension and relieve pain."

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Vibroacoustic Healing Frequencies

What is Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy?

Check out the powerful healing benefits of Vibroacoustic Sound Healing! It's a mix of healing frequencies and cool tech that uses low healing frequencies, Solfeggio frequencies, and vibration healing. Picture this: your body, filled with about 70% water, benefits five times more from the power of Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy.  As the sound waves travel through water instead of air. This therapeutic enhancement promotes profound healing, both mentally and physically. Because, of both the auditory and full-body stimulation healing is able to start healing on a cellular level. 

Here's the neat part: Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy is not invasive at all. It's meant to find levels of relaxation and meditation you don't experience anywhere else. Your body will have the experience of Solfeggio frequencies that will make you relax, ease pain, and boost your mental well-being. It uses special equipment with transducers in the bed and headphones, giving your body a gentle massage of sound waves. People tell us it feels like they had a massage. 

Think of it like a deep tissue massage but with the bonus of these amazing healing frequencies. As the sound goes into your cells, it's like a dance of healing vibrations from the inside out. Since our bodies are mostly water... the sound travels through us easily, enabling a one-of-a-kind healing experience. No wonder Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy is becoming such a popular go-to holistic way to feel better. We can't wait for you to try it and experience it for yourself!

The Science Behind Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy

An Article in the Journal of Music Therapy, explains how Vibroacoustic sound therapy works by using specific frequency sound waves to stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms. 

These sound waves are delivered through the inHarmony Practitioner device. The Sound and Vibrational healing bed can provide both auditory and tactile stimulation. As the vibrations fill the body, they trigger a cascade of physiological responses. They can include a reduction in stress hormones, an increase in serotonin and endorphin levels, and improved blood flow, to name a few.

Scheduling a Vibroacoustic Sound Healing Session

a woman wearing glasses and headphones with her eyes closed listening to a 15 minute vibroacoustic sound healing session in Grapevine Texas, 76051, 76092, 76102

15 min counseling session add on


Designed to take place after a counseling session to help integrate and transition out of counseling work. This is a great way to transition and feel relaxed before leaving the office. 

a woman listening to solfeggio frequencies and relaxing in Grapevine, TX, 76051, 76092, 76248

30 minute Vibracousti session


Don't have time for a full hour or laying on a table for 50 minutes sounds intimidating, but want to feel the benefits of vibroacoustic therapy a 30 minute session may be the right fit for you.

woman listening to a 60 minute vibroacoustic sound and vibration healing session in Grapevine Texas, 76051, 76092, 75022

60-minute Vibroacoustic session


Receive the full benefits of a session by booking an hour-long session. In the hour session, you may experience several stages of brain activity. From contemplation, awareness, relaxation, and deep meditation. In a 60-minute session, you also have the option of choosing multiple Solfeggio Frequencies to experience.

Check out our frequent sound healing packages

4 Session VAT Package


A $20 Savings

12 Session VAT Package


That's an $180 Savings

8 Session VAT Package


An $80 savings

Contact us

To receive %50 off your first 60-minute Vibroacoustic Session.

We would love to have you experience the power of the Sound and Vibrational healing for yourself.

Get Started

Who can benefit From Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy?

Vibroacoustic Sound therapy is a relaxing way to heal physical and mental health conditions. It is a mind-body modality that works directly with the body's nervous system. Making it a great tool for both physical and mental health symptoms.

Here are some groups of people who see improvement from this therapy:

Children and Adults

Vibroacoustic therapy is beneficial for both children and adults, even in those with autism and ADHD. Research has shown improvement in behavior and attention in children and adults after receiving Vibroacoustic therapy. 

People with Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can be debilitating and negatively impact an individual's quality of life. Vibroacoustic therapy has been shown to reduce pain and improve mobility in people with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgiaarthritis, and back pain.

Athletes and Active Individuals

Vibroacoustic therapy has been shown to improve the range of motion and reduce muscle soreness after strenuous exercise to reduce an athlete's downtime when impacted with injury or muscle soreness. 

People with Trauma, Stress, and Anxiety

Vibroacoustic therapy can help individuals manage stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension.

People with Sleep Disorders

Vibroacoustic therapy has been demonstrated to be a valuable resource for people experiencing sleep disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome. 

People seeking Peek Brain Experiences

Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy is known to allow the Brain to enter into different brain states and provide a deep meditation experience.

What Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy helps with

Anxiety Treatment

Trauma Treatment

Chronic Pain Reduction

Meditation Enhancement

Nervous System Regulation


Sports Performance

Injury Recovery

Emotional/Behavioral Blocks

"Vibroacoustic therapy is a promising form of therapy that combines sound and vibration to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being." 

- Craig Goldberg

Healing Frequencies to Choose from

Solfeggio Frequencies

  • 174 Hz: Relief of Pain and Stress
  • 285 Hz: Repairs Tissues and Organs
  • 396 Hz: Eliminates Guilt and Fear
  • 417 Hz: Cleanses Negativity
  • 432 Hz: Promotes Overall Wellbeing
  • 528 Hz: Catalyzes OMA Repair and Relaxation
  • 639 Hz: Balances Emotions and Elevates Mood
  • 741Hz: Speak your Truth and Express Yourself Creatively
  • 852 Hz: Awakens Intuition and Raises Energy
  • 963 Hz: Connects to Higher-Self

Low-Frequency Healing

You can choose low frequencies from

30-86 Hz

What to expect during a Vibroacoustic Therapy Session

If you're considering trying Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy... you may be wondering what to expect during a session. Here's a general idea of what the experience may be like:

1. Preparation:
Before the session begins, your Sound Therapist will check in on your goals for the session and current symptoms. Together you will choose which Solfeggio Frequencies will be best suited for your needs. We will guide you to the most comfortable position on the Vibroacoustic mat. We want this to be the most relaxing and immersive experience possible. You may choose to take your shoes off, have a heated mat, and an eye pillow, and integrate essential oils into your sound healing session. We also provide you with headphones or a speaker to listen to the music.

2. Vibroacoustic Stimulation: Once you are comfortable, your provider will turn on the VAT device. This will cause the mat to vibrate, creating a sensation similar to a massage. The vibrations will be synchronized with the music you're listening to. They may be set to a specific healing frequency that's chosen to meet your needs. The sound therapist will stay in the room to ensure that the volume and vibration levels are to your comfort. They will then leave the room to allow you to enter into a deep meditative and relaxing experience. 

 3. Relaxation: As the session progresses, you may begin to feel more relaxed and less stressed. Some people

4. End of session: Once the session is over, your provider will turn off the VAT device and give you some time to rest and relax before getting up. You will check in with your sound therapist before you leave. 

A session is designed to be a relaxing and calming experience. If you have any concerns or questions about the session, be sure to discuss them with your provider before scheduling a session. 

*10 minutes of session time is devoted to set up and ending transition.

"Vibroacoustic therapy has shown promising results in improving sleep quality, reducing anxiety, and enhancing mood by engaging the body's natural relaxation response."

Vibroacoustics Precaustions

Is Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy for me?

VAT, or vibration sound therapy, might not be the right fit for everyone, especially if you have certain health conditions. VAT is not recommended if you're pregnant, have metal in your body, or have devices like pacemakers. People with seizures, migraines, or other neurological issues should talk to their doctor before trying VAT. The vibrations from the therapy could make symptoms worse.

Here are some ways to prepare for a Vibration healing session::

1. **Before the Session:** Talk to your doctor about any health concerns you have. They'll help decide if VAT is safe for you. During the session, tell your provider if you feel uncomfortable or weird. It's suggested to not eat a big meal or have caffeine before the sound therapy session because it may cause unwanted physical sensations. 

2. **After the Session:** Drink water and take it easy for at least an hour after VAT. Some people might feel a bit dizzy, so it's important to rest and let your body recover.

Vibroacoustic Sound TherapyResearch

What is Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy?

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